Arina's Diary

      ❄️アリナのステキな日々とHAPPY EARTHの活動紹介❄️         ❄️My sweet life & HAPPY EARTH Activities!❄️

動物についてスピーチ  Speech about Animals



I made a speech at Yamamoto School, that was the second time for me.



The first time I met the teacher, Mr.Yamamoto, it was on my friends's birhday two years ago.  This is the film at that time.

バレラシッド愛凛七 8歳   

歌:誰かが星をみていた(新沢としひと 作詞 / 中川ひろたか 作曲)       

Song: Someone was watching the stars 

アフリカの 星をみて

ゾウたちは そだった

くさはらに ねころんで

流れ星を みてた


南極の 星をみて

ペンギンは そだった

氷山に ねころんで

流れ星を みてた


いつでも 星は あった

誰かが 星を みていた

過ぎてゆく 時の流れ

星だけが 知っている


ニッポンの 星をみて

ボクたちは そだった

物干しに ねころんで

流れ星を みてた



From this song, I tried to feel like the elephants that live in Africa.



“We are hungry every day as our land to live is less and the food to eat is less. The earth is getting hotter and hotter.  The humans are trying to kill us for our tusks. We lost a lot of our family and friends. Please help us!”  

If they could talk, they would beg us to think about this Earth as much as we can so that everybody can have their own happy life.



The elephant is a very intelligent animal. They can contact other elephants that are more than 10km away, making low vibration sounds which the human ear cannot hear.  They are more intelligent than us, but why do we think that we are more intelligent than them?



From the song, I tried to feel like the penguins that live in Antartica.



"The ice has been melting and our space to live is getting smaller. The ocean is ever dirtier and the amount of fish to eat is getting less. When I thought I had eaten fish, it was actually plastic.  You too would probably be sad, if you didn’t have a place to live and food to eat.”  This is what they would want to say to us.


I am growing up in Japan while watching the sky.  “Tonight the stars are very beautiful. Maybe when I’m looking at this star, Somebody else is looking at the same star.💫 



⚫️ 遺伝子組換えの食べ物の量が世界一




There are lots of sad things happening in Japan.😞 

- GMO foods that we buy in supermarkets are very unhealthy for our bodies.😟

- Pesticide usage that we use are the strongest in the world.😱

- We use the most food additives in the world.

   1500 types in Japan!?  Oh my gosh!!

- The amount of food that we waste is the largest in the world.😞

   In one second, about 8600 rice balls are thrown away.🍙🙀



There are many things  that I want to say but I would like to talk about animals.

In Japan, the number of pets killed is the highest in the world.🐣

In one day about 800 pets are killed🐥 I am terribly SAD!!!





Why must we kill them?

Because the amounts of dogs and cats will increase?

But they have a life and they have a  heart. ❤️ 

All animals are like this.



Nowadays lots of people buy things to have fun, but pets are not toys.

Even they don’t need help from humans.🌳




There are many abandoned cats around us here. When I was in Shizuoka there were many abandoned dogs and abandoned cats in the country side.  A lot of cats are abandoned in Chiba too.🐈🐕


でも「ペット」についての一番の問題は猫や犬を増やしてお金儲けしようとしている人たち! 犬や猫を売って、売り残ったペットは殺されてしまいます。動物で商売しなければ良いだけの話。そうすれば、殺される動物が少なくなるのではないでしょうか?

But the biggest problem with "pets” here are the breeders.  Selling dogs and cats, the pets that are unsold are killed. We just have to stop supporting business in animals.🌱🐣🐶 And so perhaps there would be less animals killed?



During the Jomon period, when humans hunted, dogs helped them catch other animals.🐃🐘  Humans began to make rice and cats were there helping them to drive out the rats when storing the rice.🍚😋




Now, trees are cut at the top of the mountains, to make solar panels and dams and the animals are saying, "There is a loud noise suddenly in the place where we live and the trees are taken away little by little. We are afraid. Please plant a lot of broadleaf trees and clean the mountains.🌳Help us please. "  They would send this message to humanity.



In the Ainu teaching;
The river is divided into upstream and downstream. Upstream is the place where God lives, and humans must only use downstream. If a human goes back to the upper stream of the river and takes something there, it will not be able to give what has been given by God until now. It is a natural law to live peacefully among nature.



 Now that human beings are taking things from upstream, maybe the gods are trying to teach us.  I think that human beings should share with all the living creatures of the natural world.🌏🌙✨🌕🌞🌳🌱🐘🐣🐥🐱🐶