Arina's Diary

      ❄️アリナのステキな日々とHAPPY EARTHの活動紹介❄️         ❄️My sweet life & HAPPY EARTH Activities!❄️

第二回世界青少年『志』プレゼンテーション大会 The 2nd Kokorozasi Presentation Conference

第二回 世界青少年『志』プレゼンテーション大会の13人のファイナリストに選ばれました😆🌈🌏✨今年は英語でプレゼンをしました‼︎‼︎




英語で話して、パワーポイントに日本語を書きました✨  ステージに出る前は少し緊張しましたが、ステージに立っている間はとても楽しかったです。









この発表がされる前に、絶対私だと自分を信じていました!! でも実際に発表されると本当に嬉しい気持ちなんだなぁって思いました💓😆✨🌈


去年はもらえなかった松本零士さんのサイン、去年はもらえなかったトロフィーもいただき心から嬉しかったです!!!!!  まるで空を飛んでるような気分でした🌏


アフターパーティーではたくさんの人に声をかけてもらいました! だから料理を食べてリラックスする時間が少なかったです😅




楽しかったです‼︎  次はスタッフとして参加したいと思います‼︎‼︎‼︎😆✨💓🌈





This year I was Selected as one of the 13 finalists for the 2nd World Youth “Kokorozashi ” Presentation Conference!!😆🌈🌏✨ I made a presentation in English ︎‼ ︎
There are many problems on the earth now, and the earth may be screaming in pain. The earth is like our mother and we cannot live without her.
I've expressed to the audience with my intention and passion for our planet 😁✌️
Speaking in English and writing Japanese in PowerPoint ✨ I was a little nervous before going to the stage, but I enjoyed it while I was on the stage.😆
The 13 finalists were all excited at the moment of the announcement of the Grand Prize. There are two first prizes, one is the Environment Minister Award, a certificate from Mr. Shinjiro Koizumi, a trophy, a study trip to Cambodia, and the other is the Minister of Education Minister Award. ︎‼ ︎
Who will be chosen for the award? !
“The winner of the first prize ...? Who is the finalist eceives the Environment Minister Award? Entry number 11! !  Varella-Cid Arina! ! 
Even before this announcement was made, I believed myself!  When they actually announced it, I was really happy🌈😆💓
I was really happy to receive the autograph of Mr. Reiji Matsumoto who is an animation artist, that I didn't get it last year, and the trophy to!!!!! I felt like I was flying in the sky🕊
Many people asked mr a lot of questions at the after party! So I I didn't have much time to eat and relax 😅
My dad was going to shoot the video, but he forgot to press the button and it seems that he wasn't able to shoot it. 
it was fun!  Next time I would like to participate as a support staff!!!!😆✨💓🌈