自然の恵 Nature's Bounty
そこで木を切っていたおじさんと仲良くなり、なんとその人は鶴とフクロウとオウムを飼っていたんです!! 私は最近イヤリングを作るのが趣味で、鶴やオウムの羽を少しもらうことになりました! 羽を手のひらに乗せた私はとてもドキドキしていて、どんなイヤリングを作ろうかと考えていました💓
A Friend catched a wild pig and he invited me and my friends to see the wild pigs🐗 And I met a Guy who had a Crane, an Owl and Parrots!!
I love making earrings so I asked him if I could have a little bit of feathers form birds! As soon as he put them on my hand I was so excited! What kind of earrings should I make?
And I made These!!
Isn’t it cute!?
I had lots of Collections so I would liked to sell them at the market✨